Training and Strategic Advice

In times of rapid changes and technological progress, keeping up to date with the latest tools and trends is important for communication and project staff alike. We give trainings, advisory services, coachings and strategic advice (both online and onsite) to a variety of clients from the public and private sector on for example how to draft a communication strategy; communication and EU projects/programmes; how to tell your (project) story; non-violent communication and visualisation techniques; social media management; media outreach strategies or how to produce videos in different formats.

Dorothee is also a certified youth trainer and helps our clients to develop international projects and look for (EU-) funding to put them into practice.

Recent projects include:

  • Drafting of a communications and member engagement strategy for the ETIN/UN-ECE Transformative Innovation Network
  • Communication training and advice for the newly approved SUDOE Interreg Projects
  • Technical communication assistance in support of the African Union Commission for the development and implementation of the African Single Electricity Market (AfSEM) and an Energy Efficiency Strategy (AfEES) (2023 – 2024)
  • New training and coaching offers in 2024 including personal and professional development; non-violent communication techniques and other related areas
  • Development of an internationalisation strategy for the cooperative La Dula (2024)
  • Trainings on the development of EU-funded projects for FEVECTA
  • Technical communication assistance for the Creative Europe Project Storytooling (2023 – 2025)
  • Technical communication assistance in a project on trade between the Dominican Republic and the EU (2022 – 2023)
  • Capacity-building and training/coaching for the staff at the Ministry of the Promotion of Women, Family and the Protection of Children of hte Centralafrican Republic in the framework of a technical assistance project on gender-based violence for Europlus/DG INTPA (2022 – 2024)
  • Visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges since 2021 (training course on EU communications)
  • Technical communications assistance for the Spanish city of Mula in the implementation of the URBACT Action Planning Network Kairos (2021 – 2022)
  • Technical communications assistance as senior communication expert in order to promote the participation of Tunisian stakeholders in the Horizon 2020 programme between 2019 and 2020 (contract with Echonoccio for DG DEVCO, European Commission)
  • A cultural strategy for the province of Lausitz including a substrategy for the city of Zittau in the framework of its application to be European Capital of Culture in 2025 (2018 – 2020) together with Kulturkonzepte
  • Training project communication officers of the Interreg Adrion programme (2019)
  • Advisory services and training for IPA communication officers in Macedonia (2015)
  • Training on communication in Cohesion Policy for the members of the IQ-Net (2016)
  • Training of French communication managers dealing with Cohesion Policy programmes (2016)
  • Various communication and EU project development trainings with Formative Communications, Europimpulse and Econcult (University of Valencia)

Two summer schools “Sumlab” for communication officers working on Cohesion Policy projects or programmes