Video Production

Having worked as an audiovisual journalist for several radio stations, production companies and ARTE TV in France and Germany, video production still remains one of Dorothee’s favourite communication tools. We have extensive experience in the production and storyboard writing of different multilingual videos formats for European institutions, programmes or projects. We also accompany the production by taking photos of the „Making-of process“ and by producing additional materials on the stories we tell for blogs and social media.
Recent projects include:
- A promotional video for the B-solutions project on obstacles of crossborder cooperation
- Framework contract with the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe in Lisbon: Production of two videos and social media clips on the laureates of the North-South-Prize; a series of videos on „global education“ for the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe; a series of videos on the Lisbon Forum 2022 and Lisbon Forum 2023
- A video and several testimonials on the outcome of the El Hiwar Project on EU – Arab relations for the College of Europe/DG INTPA, European Commission
- Three success story videos, a campaign trailer and an explanatory video on transnational cooperation through Interreg on behalf of the Regional Ministry of the Economy, Labour and Tourism of Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
- A documentary video on the cooperation between the European Union and the Overseas Territory of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon as well as five other videos (success stories, campaign trailers and event videos)
- A promotional video and social media clips for DG JUST in the framework of the Paris Peace Forum 2020
- A video on how the signatories of Framework Partnership Agreements with the European Commission implement the Sustainable Development Goals
- A promotional video and social media clips on the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES Network) for DG Employment, European Commission (contract with Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini)
- A testimonial video on the European Solidarity Corps for the Spanish Ministry of Labour and DG Employment, European Commission (contract with Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini)
- Five videos on migration and development for DG International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
- A webdocumentary on corruption in Africa for Transparency International
- Five thematic videos for the URBACT programme on sustainable urban development in Europe
- The production of an animation video on EU-ASEAN relations for the EU Delegation in Indonesia
- The production of an animation, several event and two tutorial videos on financial instruments for the European Investment Bank/DG Regio European Commission in the framework of the Fi-Compass project