This year’s Lisbon Forum videos available

The 29th edition of the Lisbon Forum took place on 16 and 17 October 2023 and addressed the theme “Human Rights, Environment and Economic Crimes: Youth at the forefront”. Through our framework contract with the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe we were in charge of designing the visual identity, including a toolkit for partners, a media report and the production of a series of video testimonials which are now available on the event’s website.

Among the testimonials were:

Karuna Rana, Environmental Activist

Karen Ernst, Green Climate Fund

Amjad Bany Issa, Climate Justice Advocate

Nelson Salagano, Rural-Urban Social Empowerment Program (RUSEP)

Building on the Council of Europe’s priorities established at the Reykjavik Summit in May 2023, the 29th Lisbon Forum explored the intricate connections between economic crimes, human rights, and environmental issues. It emphasised the pivotal role that young people play as catalysts for change in the ongoing battle against corruption, particularly in safeguarding the environment.

This  event  was  organised  in  the  framework  of  the  North-South  Centre of the Council of Europe’s  project  “All  Informed,  All Concerned” funded by the governments of Portugal and Spain, with the support of the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe  “Protecting  human  rights,  the  rule  of  law  and democracy  through  shared  standards  in  the  Southern  Mediterranean”  (South  Programme  V), co-financed by both organisations and implemented by the Council of Europe.